Healthcare News

20 Things to Have in Your Car Emergency Kit

Driving in Australia can be quite challenging. As you drive, you will come across many different unexpected situations. For example, imagine what would happen if you got stranded in the middle of the road with a flat tire. To make sure you don’t have to deal with any problems, you must keep a car emergency kit with you. 

But what exactly should you include in your car emergency kit? Continue to read and we will list 20 important items that you must have in it. Then you can go ahead and get the supplies you need for it from Priority First Aid.

A Torch 

If you are a person who continues to drive your vehicle during the night times, you should take a torch with you. When your vehicle breaks down at night, the torch will help you to check under the bonnet. Or else, you may even use the torch to stop another vehicle traveling on the road to get help.

Make sure that you also take some spare batteries for the torch. Having a torch will not be helpful unless you can’t power it up. By keeping a few spare batteries, you can keep peace of mind until you find a solution. 

Owner’s Manual of the Car 

car owner paper

Most of us don’t take the owner’s manual of our cars with us. This is one of the biggest mistakes that you can do when driving in Australia. Your car emergency kit must have the owner’s manual. That’s because it contains almost all the useful information that you need to know about the car that you drive. 

For example, if your headlights stop working due to a blown fuse, you will come across the need to replace them. This is where the owner’s manual of the car can be helpful. Likewise, the owner’s manual can help you to maintain correct tire pressure or top-up liquids as well. 

Few Water Bottles 

water bottles

You will not be able to remain stranded without water. This is where you should carry water with you when driving. Make sure that you carry at least a 10-liter bottle containing water. But if you are planning to drive in the outback, you should have more water.

Drinking water can be a lifesaver. In case your vehicle breaks down in the middle of a remote area, you can use water and keep your energy levels up, until you find help. On the other hand, you can use water to top up a thirsty vehicle radiator as well. Even if you encounter an accident and get injuries, water can help you to clear out wounds. Likewise, water offers numerous versatile benefits, and you must take it with you.

Toilet Paper 

Toilet paper

Toilet paper can also be quite helpful during emergencies. For example, if you ended up in an oil spill, you could clean it with toilet paper. On the other hand, you can use toilet paper to clean condensation inside your foggy windows. Even if you want to take the dust off your dashboard, toilet paper will be helpful.

A Blanket 

A Blanket 

Your car essentials kit must have a blanket. For example, you might feel drowsy when you continue to drive for many hours. In such situations, you should pull over your vehicle and have a quick sleep. This will help you to refresh yourself so that you can continue with the journey. Blankets can be useful when you are traveling with your kids as well.

Blankets are useful even when you want to work on something under the bonnet of your vehicle. For example, if you have to change a corrosive battery, you can use a blanket to protect your paint.

A Hi-vis Safety Vest 

Hi-vis safety vest

When your car breaks down while driving, you will get down from it and try to fix it. Or else, you might wait until help arrives. In such situations, you should put on a high-visibility safety vest. Then oncoming traffic can spot you. This will help you to ensure your safety as you try to get back on the road. 

You don’t need to spend a lot of money to purchase a hi-vis safety vest. Make sure that you buy one and keep it under the driver-side car seat. Then you can take it out whenever you want to.

A First-Aid Kit 

First-Aid Kit 

A Car first aid kit is something that you must take with you. It can even help you save your life and the lives of your loved ones. The first aid kit will offer much-needed assistance until help comes to you. Make sure that you buy a high-quality first aid kit for your car from Priority First Aid. Then you will have all the supplies you need for giving first aid. 

While getting a first aid kit, you should also make sure that you know how to give first aid. That’s why we encourage you to do at least a quick refresher course on first aid. Then you can get the most out of your motorist first aid kit. 

A Spare Tyre and a Tyre Replacement Kit 

Tyre Replacement Kit

You must carry a properly inflated tire in the boot. Along with that, you must have a tire replacement kit as well. It should include a jack, pump, tire lever, and tire gauge. When you encounter a flat tire, you don’t need to worry about inflating it. Instead, you can replace it with a spare tire and continue with your journey. When you come across a tire shop, you can get your punctured tire fixed. 

A Car Fire Extinguisher 

We often see how cars end up in flames in fire accidents. You may run into such a situation as well. That’s why you need to take a car fire extinguisher along with you. These fire extinguishers are compact and portable. Therefore, you can easily carry it in your vehicle, wherever you go.

A Tool Kit 

tool kit

Even if you don’t know anything about repairing cars, you need to carry a tool kit. When your car breaks down, you can get someone with the knowledge to fix it. This is where the tool kit will be useful. There are a few important things that your car tool kit should have. They include a screwdriver, socket, spark plugs, electrical tape, and work gloves. You may also take fuses, light globes, WD40, and needle nose pliers in the tool kit. 

Jumper Leads

Jumper Leads

As you look around for essential items for car emergency kits, you must take jumper leads with you. A dead battery is one of the most common problems that drivers in Australia encounter. In such situations, you can get the help of another vehicle and go for a jump start. However, you need to have jumper leads with you.

The car manual will provide clear instructions on how to use jumper leads and jump-start your car. If you don’t know how to use jumper leads, it is better to gain knowledge. Or else, you will have to wait till someone arrives to connect the jumper leads and help you.

Matches or a Lighter 

In your survival backpack, you must have something to help you make a fire. This is where matches or a lighter can help. However, lighters will not deliver the best results when you try to burn something soaked in water. This is why you should also take some dry cotton with you. On the other hand, waterproof matches can provide better results to you than ordinary matches. Regardless of the weather, you may use waterproof matches.

Emergency Cash

Emergency Cash

Having emergency cash with you can be quite useful during certain situations. This is why you need to have some cash in your car emergency kit. Keep some quarters with you, so that you can use a payphone when needed. You never know whether you will get stranded in a remote area without any ATMs. In such situations, your emergency can help you survive. You may get all the supplies you need with the emergency cash you have.

A Portable Phone Charger 

Portable Phone Charger

When you are stuck or stranded on the road, you will have to call for assistance. Whether you want to call someone you know or a roadside assistance service, you need to have a working mobile phone. Along with the mobile phone, you should carry a portable phone charger as well. it is even better if you can carry a power bank. Then you will have backup power to recharge your phone and stay connected with the outer world. 

By keeping your phone on, you can provide directions for an emergency team to come to your location. Likewise, you can use the map feature on your phone after recharging the battery. 

Reflective Wearing Triangles 

Reflective Wearing Triangles 

During a breakdown or accident, you need to keep your vehicle visible to other drivers. This is something that you must do on busy roads. By doing that, you can reduce the likelihood of further accidents taking place. This is where reflective warning triangles can help you. After placing the triangles behind your vehicle, you can warn the other motorists to slow down. Then they will maintain a safe distance and speed when passing your vehicle. Make sure that you have at least three of these triangles within your roadside emergency kit.

A Multipurpose Tool

A Swiss Army Knife is a perfect example of a multipurpose tool. Such a multipurpose tool can offer numerous benefits to you. For example, it offers a knife, screwdriver, scissors, pliers, and many more. Therefore, you don’t need to go through the trouble of carrying multiple tools with you. The multipurpose tool can help you tackle a variety of small repairs. You can get them done efficiently as well. Even though a multipurpose tool is small, it can be quite useful when you are stranded on the road.

Emergency Rain Poncho

Emergency Rain Poncho

Australian weather is not the most predictable. This is why you need to take proper rain protection in your car emergency kit. An emergency rain poncho can help you with it. You can use it to remain comfortable while it is raining. Likewise, you can also avoid potentially hazardous situations that you may come across. For example, when there is an unexpected downpour, you just need to take out your rain poncho and use it. Make sure that you buy a compact and lightweight poncho. Then you can keep it in your car emergency kit or the glove compartment. 

Duct Tape 

Duct Tape 

Duct tape is quite popular for its strength and versatility. You can use it for multiple repairs on the road. For example, duct tape helps you to secure loose parts of your car. You can also use it to patch minor leaks. Make sure that you always carry high-quality duct tape with you to get the best results.

Emergency Contact Information 

Prepare a list of emergency phone numbers, including the number of people you know. When your phone battery dies, or if you get trapped in an area where there is no cellular reception, this list of emergency contacts can help you. It is also better to include contact details of insurance providers and roadside assistance providers.

Hand Sanitizer or Wipes 

Hand Sanitizer

No matter what the situation you deal with is, you need to maintain cleanliness and hygiene. This is where hand sanitizer and wipes can help you. Always keep a portable hand sanitizer bottle in your car essentials kit. It can help you to keep your hands and surfaces clean. You can use it to prevent the spread of diseases and maintain proper hygiene at all times.

Final Words

Now you know what to include in a car emergency kit. No matter where you go, you need to travel with a car emergency kit. When the unexpected happens, you can rely on the emergency kit until you get help. By including these items in the car emergency kit, you will be able to handle many different situations you’ll encounter on the road. 

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